Support ROMEO & JULIET at the Omni Commons

I can tell you that this will be an amazing show. Please help them meet their goal. Every little bit helps.
Instigator / Rabble Rouser: Caitlyn Louchard
Fight Director: Carla Pantoja
Dramaturg / Oracle: Nick Medina
Marketing Wizard: Melissa Nigro
Romeo: Caitlyn Louchard
Friar Lawrence: Lizzie Calogero*
Nurse: Michael Patrick Gafney*
Mercutio: Kelli Crump*
Tybalt: Melissa Ortiz*
Lady Capulet: Carla Pantoja*
Lord Capulet: Mary Baird*
Peter: Phil Wong
Paris: Rotimi Agbabiaka*
Friar John / Abraham: Alexis Wilson
Benvolio: Maria Marquis
Prince: Jesse Caldwell*
What We're Raising and Why
- $10,000 to pay all 16 artists on the team. Not a luxurious sum, but a very modest compensation for their time. Because we all have rent to pay and mouths to feed. And because artists work so flipping hard.
- This is a free offering to the public! We are asking for gifts from those who can give, so that everyone can come to the theatre, regardless of income.
- Anything raised over the goal will be split with the Oakland Omni Commons.
- And hey! March 27th and 28th are benefit performances for the Omni: any donations received at that performance will be give to the Omni so they can keep the lights on and the doors open for all of Oakland.
No Cash? That's OK!
- Spread the word! Share Share Share.
- COME SEE THE PLAY! Bring a friend, bring ten friends! Bring your grandmother and her dog. Bring your neighbor and that guy you met at the laundromat. Come. Celebrate. Enjoy.